Inspire People to Encounter God

The heartbeat of our worship ministry is to inspire people to encounter God. John 4:24 says that God is "seeking" or looking for true, authentic worshipers and this is the reason we desire to be a worshiping church. We want people to live a lifestyle of worship unto God on a daily basis, and we want to put Jesus at the center of our corporate gatherings. Our vision is to set the atmosphere for people to encounter God in the corporate gatherings.

Contemporary Worship service

We have a contemporary worship service on Sundays at 9:00 AM in Providence Hall.

Please come join us . . . We would love to see you!

Nursery available for Birth ~ 3 years.

traditional Worship Service

We have a traditional worship service on Sundays in the Sanctuary at 11:00 AM.

Please come join us . . . there's a pew for you!

We would love to see you!

Nursery available for Birth ~ 3 years.

joint worship service on the third Sunday of each month

We combine our contemporary and traditional services on the third Sunday of each month for joint worship.

The schedule for the third Sunday is as follows:

  • 10:00 AM ~ Sunday School ~ Nursery Available for Birth ~ 3 years old.
  • 11:00 AM ~ Joint Worship Service ~ Sanctuary ~ Nursery Available for Birth ~ 3 years old.
  • 12:00 PM ~ Covered Dish Luncheon ~ Providence Hall

Praise & worship Band

"Made New"

We are always looking for experienced players to help lead the congregation in worship. The band is made up of young and older players wanting to play with excellence. The band does require an audition with the Music Director, and placement will be based on your playing skills, attitude and openness to serve.